Your fast-paced life doesn’t have to be one of your excuses not to eat healthy! In fact, there is many healthy and tasty dishes out there that require little preparation. While I will not focus on giving you recipes today, I will give you seven easy-to-remember tips that you can incorporate in your life to eat more healthy when you don’t have time to prepare fancy meals.

Breakfast granola

Breakfast cereal with milk is the fastest and easiest option for your hectic morning. There’s a wide range of cereals available to choose from. You are welcome to go for the healthy and low sugar alternatives, and you can experiment with different flavours for variety. If you are not a fan of cereals, you can try muesli with yogurt instead. You can also have a fresh fruit mix with yogurt or mix and match with muesli or cereals.

Prepare your lunches in advance

Lunchtime is the best opportunity for you to keep up your healthy diet. This comes with a condition that you prepare those lunches by yourself in advance. The reason is simple; you are bound to be hungry by lunchtime at work and there will be ready-made healthy food waiting for you. You will not think of getting any fast-food dishes as your lunch is already in your bag. This comes with an added two-fold benefit: you are in control of what you eat, because you made it; and you feel obliged to eat it because once again you spent the time making it.

The key to making easy and healthy lunches is to make it in bulk either the day before, or at the weekend. Always cook one meal for two days to save extra time. If you are cooking for the entire week, freeze your meals in lunchboxes. Take them out of the freezer the day before to thaw slowly overnight.

Choose your staple food

The first choice you will need to make for cooking your lunch is the staple food. Choose from a selection of pasta, wholemeal rice and bread. Remember, healthy carbohydrates are the ones that keep you going throughout the day. No matter what your fitness goal is, do not skip them. Rather, measure a healthy portion for each lunch to give you the correct amount of energy for the rest of your day.

Vegetable loaded dishes

The second choice you will make in preparing your healthy lunch is what you will mix with the staple food. Choose a healthy selection of protein like fish or chicken. You can also try the vegetarian alternatives such as beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas. Contrary to a common belief, plants are excellent sources of proteins. Add in a selection of vegetables such as carrots, courgettes, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, sweet potato or spinach to name just a few. You can also get some frozen vegetables from the supermarket to make it even easier and faster.

Have snacks ready

Healthy snacking is a good way to help you go through the day if you are on a low-calorie diet. You will want to eat more often as your metabolism works fast. Do not underestimate the power of simple fruits such as bananas, apples, pears and oranges. They are a quick addition, they easily drop into your daily diet and in your lunch bag just before you go off to work. You can also try nuts and seeds in moderation.

Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day

Hydration is important, not just when you are trying to lose weight. Staying hydrated helps your body to function to its full potential. Sometimes, you may think you are hungry, but what your body is really craving for is just water. Bear that in mind before you reach for that extra snack or an additional portion of food. Drink a glass of water before every meal and every time you feel as if you were hungry. If the “hunger” goes away, it means you were just craving water.

Why to have dinner if you can have a supper instead

This comes as a very controversial statement for people in the western world. We tend to have large meals towards the evening when we get back from a long day at work. Unfortunately, eating heavy meals just before you go to bed is a very unhealthy habit. Try to have smaller and lighter meals instead, at least an hour before you go to bed. Choose a warming soup with a slice of wholemeal bread or a vegetable salad with an avocado.

There are so many options you can explore and they are all very easy to prepare. Why to spend your evening on cooking a big dinner and then spending a long time eating it? Save yourself time with an easy and light meal, and enjoy the rest of the evening doing what you like.

Developing a healthy eating habit is not just reserved for people who have the time on their hands. There are shortcuts you can take to make your meals faster, in a simple and healthy manner, even during your busy day. Look out for inspiration and remember: less is more!

Healthy Eating Guide for Busy People
Healthy Eating Guide for Busy People

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